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"I was about to cast a hex, but I think I'm missing a few spell components."
Erratum: In clue 11, "island nation" has been corrected to "island territory."

Moment when North flees, chasing idiot sidekick (9)
Transporter briefly down in mirror universe (3)
It's perfectly clear: call Saint Albert (7)
Laid back British lowlife goes inside, having been fingered? (7)
Condemn performance exhibition (7)
Wild life preserve (4)
Vivid chart starts international conference about linguistics (9)
One crazy communist's type of skates (6)
Bury head in neutral ground (9)
New guy chased by alien with web (8)
Portrayer of ship's bartender has island territory endlessly talking (8)
Sap who, in France, wears cap (6)
A pocket, essentially, wrapped in paper! (7)
Customized classified ad (8)
Colonel follows troop breaking rules of conduct? (8)
Rome's first poet lived inside, according to patriarch (8)
Critique Ryder's covert interrogation (5)
Ordered soap (6)
Military to be in Spanish transgression (7)
Schilling flips out in middle of street: bizarre, rude set-up (10)
Move official's new sculpture back (8)
General runs a live MASH (9)
Sheep's, uh, alleged exploiter (4)
Crook endlessly returns to pyramid site and Middle Eastern strip (6)